A New Lowes In Parenting

A New Lowes In Parenting

I have rewritten this thing three times at this point and I am unable to tell the story in less than thirty pages so here is the screen play version.   Scene: A packed Lowes on a beautiful fall Saturday.   Characters:  Drew (The Boy) Jason (The Dad)  ...
Waffle Sauce

Waffle Sauce

Waffle Sauce Is it bad that I think it is awesome that Drew calls syrup “waffle sauce”? In my opinion, waffle sauce is right up there with the guy who asked the question “why are jet skis not called boater cycles”. I mean, technically the kid is not wrong. Log cabin...
Attempting Brave

Attempting Brave

Attempting Brave ​​To all those who read “A Picture to Precious” this blog was written a month before, I managed to misplace it on my hard drive. For all you movie buffs, let’s call it a prequel. It is 11 am, we are at Children’s Hospital in Atlanta with Drew, for the...
A Moment Too Precious for a Picture

A Moment Too Precious for a Picture

A Moment Too Precious for a Picture I love going to a child’s first birthday party, and not for the reason you’re thinking. Sure, I care about the little ankle-biter but the entertainment for the day is mom and dad.  It’s like watching a SWAT team clear a house during...
The Pilot Jumped

The Pilot Jumped

The Pilot Jumped Several years ago, while visiting our team of doctors at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (a.k.a. CHOP), Christy and I were asked to be part of a commercial. The video featured parents being interviewed about the excellent level of care we had...